
EU-Kazakhstan relations

EU Sanctions Envoy Strikes Positive Tone in Astana

EU Sanctions Envoy Strikes Positive Tone in Astana

By Catherine Putz
Central Asia features prominently in conversations about evasion of sanctions on Russia and the possibility of secondary sanctions on the region’s economies.

What’s Behind the Increased Diplomatic Push in Kazakhstan?

What’s Behind the Increased Diplomatic Push in Kazakhstan?

By Nikola Mikovic
Putin undoubtedly seeks to preserve the status quo in Russia’s relations with Kazakhstan. And Tokayev continues implementing Astana’s decades-old multi-vector foreign policy.
Trans-Caspian Route: Kazakhstan’s Gateway to Europe

Trans-Caspian Route: Kazakhstan’s Gateway to Europe

By Rahimbek Abdrahmanov and Kamshat Zhumagulova
For Kazakhstan, in particular, the development of the Middle Corridor offers broader access to global markets.

Kazakhstan’s Druzhba Prospects: Central Asian Oil to Supply Europe?

Kazakhstan’s Druzhba Prospects: Central Asian Oil to Supply Europe?

By Mikhail Strokan
As the EU seeks to substitute Russian energy resources, Kazakhstan sees an opportunity.

Kazakhstan: Diplomatic Blitz in Europe Amid War in Ukraine

Kazakhstan: Diplomatic Blitz in Europe Amid War in Ukraine

By Catherine Putz
If Kazakhstan can deftly maneuver between Russia and Europe, it stands to benefit economically and politically.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

EU-Central Asia Economic Forum: Is Central Asia Ready for More Assertive EU Policy?

EU-Central Asia Economic Forum: Is Central Asia Ready for More Assertive EU Policy?

By Katrina Keegan
At the EU-Central Asia Economic Forum, the EU kept its rhetoric uncontroversial. However, Central Asian countries signaled they may respond well to more ambitious EU goals.

Kazakhstan: Please Don’t ‘Politicize’ the Eurasian Economic Union

Kazakhstan: Please Don’t ‘Politicize’ the Eurasian Economic Union

By Catherine Putz
Let’s keep to discussions about trade, okay?
EU-Kazakhstan Aim to Cooperate on Green Projects

EU-Kazakhstan Aim to Cooperate on Green Projects

By Wilder Alejandro Sanchez
The Kazakh government is looking to diversify its economy and develop new industries while also promoting environmental protection.

Brexit's Impact on Kazakhstan

Brexit's Impact on Kazakhstan

By Samuel Ramani
Kazakhstan has especially close ties with Britain. What happens when the U.K. leaves the EU?

Kazakhstan's European Trade Problem

Kazakhstan's European Trade Problem

By Catherine Putz
Astana's largest trading partner is the Eurozone and it really needs trade to pick up again.

Central Asia ‘Extremely Important’ to the European Union

Central Asia ‘Extremely Important’ to the European Union

By Catherine Putz
EU representative met recently with regional foreign minister in Astana.
Energy Dominates Kazakhstan-Europe Relationship

Energy Dominates Kazakhstan-Europe Relationship

By Catherine Putz
Diversification is the buzzword, but in London and Paris deals still revolve around energy.

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