
Gulnara Karimova

Gulnara Karimova Accused of Running Criminal Organization in New Swiss Indictment

Gulnara Karimova Accused of Running Criminal Organization in New Swiss Indictment

By Catherine Putz
Karimova’s organization, dubbed “The Office,” ran a hierarchical professional operation – with a criminal twist, according to Swiss federal prosecutors. 

Swiss Agree to Return $131 Million to Uzbekistan Via UN Trust Fund

Swiss Agree to Return $131 Million to Uzbekistan Via UN Trust Fund

By Catherine Putz
Swiss and Uzbek officials agreed to the restitution of assets seized from Gulnara Karimova to Uzbekistan via a U.N.-managed trust fund. 
Off the Hook: Acquittals of Swedish Telecom Officials Linked to Uzbek Bribery Scandal Upheld

Off the Hook: Acquittals of Swedish Telecom Officials Linked to Uzbek Bribery Scandal Upheld

By Ian J. Lynch
The acquittal of Swedish executives whose company admitted to bribing Gulnara Karimova for access to the Uzbek telecom market undermines anti-corruption efforts.

Swiss-Uzbek Agreement a Step Toward Returning Many Millions to Uzbekistan

Swiss-Uzbek Agreement a Step Toward Returning Many Millions to Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
Can the Uzbek government ensure that those who participated in Gulnara Karimova’s corruption do not benefit from it once more?

Corruption and the Fruits of Kleptocracy: The Saga of the Karimova Sisters Continues

Corruption and the Fruits of Kleptocracy: The Saga of the Karimova Sisters Continues

By Ian J. Lynch
For every international pariah like Gulnara Karimova, there are far more kleptocrats who remain free and able to indulge in the high life.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Another 13 Years on Corruption Charges for Gulnara Karimova

Another 13 Years on Corruption Charges for Gulnara Karimova

By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, negotiations go on between the Swiss and Uzbek governments over millions in frozen assets.

All Gulnara’s Things: Karimov’s Daughter Again on Trial

All Gulnara’s Things: Karimov’s Daughter Again on Trial

By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, Uzbek officials are reportedly searching Karimova’s Swiss mansion for stolen treasures.
Uzbek Activists Urge Caution in Returning Gulnara’s Ill-Gotten Gains

Uzbek Activists Urge Caution in Returning Gulnara’s Ill-Gotten Gains

By Catherine Putz
As reports stir of pending asset returns, a group of activists urge international stakeholders to be cautious in how they proceed.

Bruce Pannier on Change in Central Asia

Bruce Pannier on Change in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
In 1990, Bruce Pannier first went to Central Asia -- what was it like and what’s changed since then?

Gulnara Karimova Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering

Gulnara Karimova Charged With Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering

By Catherine Putz
Karimova, the late president's daughter, is having a very bad week.

Telia Agrees to Pay $1 Billion in Penalties in Uzbek Corruption Scandal Settlement

Telia Agrees to Pay $1 Billion in Penalties in Uzbek Corruption Scandal Settlement

By Catherine Putz
The settlement with U.S. and Dutch authorities brings to a close one chapter of Central And corruption
Unraveling Grand Corruption in Uzbekistan

Unraveling Grand Corruption in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
A Dance With the Cobra: Confronting Grand Corruption in Uzbekistan aims to explain the tangled web of corruption in Uzbekistan.

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