Kazakhstan politics

Kazakhstan Buries Time Zone Issue
By Paolo Sorbello
One year after merging two time zones, the government’s decision is final.

Human Rights Watch Report Highlights Unjustified ‘Financing Terrorism’ Restrictions in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Any conviction under Kazakhstan’s broad extremism statutes lands an individual on the Financing Terrorism List – even if their alleged crime was merely supporting an opposition political party.

The Old Politics of New Kazakhstan
By Luca Anceschi
Despite two era-defining moments occurring in the five years since Nazarbayev’s resignation, continuity is the main feature of governance in Kazakhstan.

Can Kazakhstan Stay the Course on Economic Reform?
By Bryn Windsor
As Astana moves from crisis management to long-term planning mode, the challenge will be whether the government can stick to its economic reform plans.

The Tokayev Interview and Nazarbayev’s Long Shadow
By Catherine Putz
Kazakh President Tokayev says he “openly told Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev that the political arrogance of his close associates almost destroyed the country.”

Long Prison Term for Aspirational Kazakh Opposition Leader
By Catherine Putz
Nurzhan Altaev was given a 10-year sentence earlier this month, and another opposition leader, Marat Zhylanbaev, is expected to see a similar sentence soon.

Kazakhstan’s First Go at Direct Elections of District Mayors
By Colleen Wood
Incumbents from the ruling party swept elections for district-level leadership.

Pair of Trials Put Behind Closed Doors in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Two different trials, of two separate unregistered political party leaders, were both placed behind closed doors this week.

Nazarbayev Nephew Subject of Bloody January ‘Abuse of Power’ Investigation
By Catherine Putz
Since the violent unrest of January 2022 in Kazakhstan, Samat Abish has remained in the shadows of various investigations. He’s now a target.

Mamai ‘Banned Everywhere’ as Court Clarifies Suspended Sentence Terms
By Catherine Putz
The court clarified that Mamai, a noted opposition politician, is indeed banned from all conceivable forms of participation in social or political conversations in Kazakhstan.

Wildfire in Kazakhstan Sparks Corruption Complaints
By Catherine Putz
Clearing out entrenched corruption – abetted by an autocratic system in which the roads that are paved are those the president walks on – is a monumental task.

Era of the First President Waning Further in Kazakhstan With Office Closure
By Catherine Putz
With the expected closure of the Office of the First President, de-Nazarbayevification marches on.
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