Line of Control

Terrorist Attack at Reasi Sets Alarm Bells Ringing in India’s Security Establishment
By Sudha Ramachandran
The targeted attack on Hindu pilgrims traveling by bus to a revered temple came weeks ahead of the start of the annual Amarnath Yatra.

India’s Military Turns Toward Integrated Theater Commands: A Rising Challenge for Pakistan
By Usman Haider
India is finally ready to implement joint commands. That will have huge implications for Pakistan’s national security.

The Importance of India-Pakistan Cross-LoC Trade
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The barter trade across the disputed border “helped in creating a peace constituency and connecting the divided families of Jammu and Kashmir through economic engagement.”

‘We Live With Our Losses’: What the Indo-Pak Ceasefire Means to Locals Along the LoC
By Tarushi Aswani
Over a year since the ceasefire took effect, locals say they continue to live under the shadow of trauma caused by the Kashmir conflict.

India and Pakistan Announce Ceasefire Across Disputed Border
By Abhijnan Rej
The sudden announcement comes weeks after Chinese and Indian forces began their military disengagement in eastern Ladakh.

Kashmir After Article 370: Instability, Unrest, and Geopolitics
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Kashmir is about to enter a new era. What can the region expect?

After the Pulwama Attack: Causes, Effects, and Lessons Learned
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Does the Pulwama VBIED attack represent an inflection point in Kashmir?

After Pulwama: What Are India’s Retaliation Options?
By Joy Mitra
India’s options after Pulwama are various, each with their costs and benefits.

Understanding the Origins of the Pulwama Attack Inside Pakistan
By Umair Jamal
Who benefits from the Pulwama attack?

Overcoming India and Pakistan's Perpetual Standoff in Kashmir
By Amina Afzal
Increasing tensions between the two countries don’t augur well for the fragile South Asian peace.

The Human Cost of India-Pakistan Conflict
By Qadri Inzamam and Haziq Qadri
Villagers living near the Line of Control in Kashmir are bearing the brunt of a recent uptick in shelling.

Kashmir: The Politics of Interlocutors
By Yaqoob ul Hassan
India's approach to managing Kashmir won't work in the long term. Is there an alternative?
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