
Modi foreign policy

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi: A Decade of Transformation

Indian Foreign Policy Under Narendra Modi: A Decade of Transformation

By Siddharthya Roy
Modi’s assertive foreign policy approach has redefined India's image to that of a more proactive global player. But can India live up to the hype?
What Will Modi 3.0 Mean for China-India Relations?

What Will Modi 3.0 Mean for China-India Relations?

By Scott N. Romaniuk and Khandakar Tahmid Rezwan
From Tawang to Taiwan, assessing the geopolitical rivalry and geostrategic competition.

The Structural Challenge for Modi 3.0’s Global Messaging

The Structural Challenge for Modi 3.0’s Global Messaging

By Armaan Mathur
Taking the nationalist route on foreign affairs could undermine India’s national objectives.

Modi’s 3rd Inauguration Showcases a Focus on India’s Himalayan and Maritime Neighbors

Modi’s 3rd Inauguration Showcases a Focus on India’s Himalayan and Maritime Neighbors

By Rishi Gupta
Modi 3.0 pledges to persist with key foreign policy initiatives, particularly focusing on neighboring countries.

What Will Modi 3.0 Mean for India’s Foreign Policy?

What Will Modi 3.0 Mean for India’s Foreign Policy?

By Rishi Gupta
Among its top priorities, the BJP aims to make India the third-largest economy by 2027 and cement its status as a global leader.
How the Katchatheevu Island Controversy Impacts India’s ‘Neighborhood First’ Diplomacy 

How the Katchatheevu Island Controversy Impacts India’s ‘Neighborhood First’ Diplomacy 

By Rushali Saha
Modi’s decision to revisit a sovereignty dispute resolved in the 1970s risks tearing a rift in ties with Sri Lanka.

How Modi Has Changed Indian Foreign Policy

How Modi Has Changed Indian Foreign Policy

By Mohamed Zeeshan
In a geopolitically fractious world, the Indian PM has managed to elicit extraordinary support from the U.S. while publicly courting its biggest foes.
The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections

The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections

By Arvind Mohan
The BJP has consistently used its foreign policy credentials to bolster its domestic popularity, but the difference is mostly one of style rather than substance.

Indian Foreign Policy in an Election Year

Indian Foreign Policy in an Election Year

By Raymond E. Vickery, Jr.
In his latest book, External Affairs Minister Jaishankar shows that his thinking on statecraft has progressed in significant ways.

At Global South Summit, Modi Urges Unity ‘for the Greater Global Good’

At Global South Summit, Modi Urges Unity ‘for the Greater Global Good’

By Sheikh Saaliq
India’s shift toward support for Israel risks putting it out of step with the developing world.

The Indian Foreign Service Must Speak Out Against Growing Politicization

The Indian Foreign Service Must Speak Out Against Growing Politicization

By Mohamed Zeeshan
The Indian diplomatic corps is being increasingly used for partisan purposes.
Indian External Affairs Minister Speaks on US and China – With Varying Effect

Indian External Affairs Minister Speaks on US and China – With Varying Effect

By Abhijnan Rej
In two different recent speeches, S. Jaishankar, perhaps inadvertently, outlined how the Modi government views great powers.

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