

Thailand is Failing Refugee Children

Thailand is Failing Refugee Children

By Puttanee Kangkun
The recent arrival of civilians fleeing Myanmar's conflict has highlighted a serious shortcoming in the Thai government's approach to refugees.
Uneven Refugee Protections Across Southeast Asia Put Migrants at Risk

Uneven Refugee Protections Across Southeast Asia Put Migrants at Risk

By Estey Chen
Only three of the region's nations have signed the relevant U.N. conventions on refugees and asylum seekers.

The Shrinking Space for Refugee Rights in Malaysia

The Shrinking Space for Refugee Rights in Malaysia

By Saqib Sheikh
Malaysia hosts approximately 180,000 refugees but does not grant them formal recognition.

COVID–19 Is No Excuse to Abandon Basic Principles Protecting Refugees and Asylum Seekers

COVID–19 Is No Excuse to Abandon Basic Principles Protecting Refugees and Asylum Seekers

By Pierfilippo M. Natta†
Have governments issued international law a Leave of Absence?

Australia Settles $70 Million Suit with Detained Asylum Seekers

Australia Settles $70 Million Suit with Detained Asylum Seekers

By Grant Wyeth
Had the suit gone to court, it would have aired allegations of abuse at Australia’s PNG-based detention facility.
Afghanistan: The Crisis of Deportees from Europe

Afghanistan: The Crisis of Deportees from Europe

By Arif Sahar
The refugee crisis is being politicized, at the expense of human rights.

Let’s Not Forget Afghanistan’s Internally Displaced Persons

Let’s Not Forget Afghanistan’s Internally Displaced Persons

By M. Ashraf Haidari
Most IDPs, like refugees, need protection from ongoing conflicts and deserve to live free from the fear of persecution.
How Refugees Changed the Afghan-Pakistan Dynamic

How Refugees Changed the Afghan-Pakistan Dynamic

By Aziz Amin Ahmadzai
Afghanistan's soil yearns for the return of its refugees.

The Quiet Tajik Refugee Crisis

The Quiet Tajik Refugee Crisis

By Yan Matusevich
A crackdown in Tajikistan has led to a little noticed surge in Tajik asylum seekers in Europe -- particularly Poland.

Kokang Refugees in China

Kokang Refugees in China

By Ann Wang
Having fled from the ethnic conflict in Myanmar, the refugees face an uncertain future.

Pakistan’s Conflict Zone Migrants

Pakistan’s Conflict Zone Migrants

By Umair Jamal
Pakistan's reputation as a source of illegal economic migrants demands government scrutiny.
Why Afghanistan’s Citizens Are Frustrated... And Leaving

Why Afghanistan’s Citizens Are Frustrated... And Leaving

By Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. and Karl F. Inderfurth
New public opinion data shows the governance shortcomings of Afghanistan's National Unity Government.

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