
Sri Lanka economic crisis

Debt-stricken Sri Lanka Signs a Free Trade Pact With Thailand

Debt-stricken Sri Lanka Signs a Free Trade Pact With Thailand

By Bharatha Mallawarachi
The two countries have agreed to promote investment in areas such as fisheries, food processing, tourism, and green energy.
The State of South Asia in 2023

The State of South Asia in 2023

By Mimrah Abdul Ghafoor
The year was dominated by elections, and political and economic instability. Amid the bad news, India landed a spacecraft near the Moon’s south pole.

How Is Sri Lanka Navigating Its IMF Bailout Program?

How Is Sri Lanka Navigating Its IMF Bailout Program?

By Tharindu Udayanga Kamburawala
Examining Sri Lanka’s approach to fiscal targets and SOE reforms amid continued economic turbulence.

Sri Lankan President Visits India, Highlights Close Relations

Sri Lankan President Visits India, Highlights Close Relations

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Last year’s economic crisis crippled the island nation, but it also provided India an opening to offset some of the inroads that China has made in Sri Lanka.

India’s Foreign Policy Progress in Sri Lanka is a Strategic Setback for China

India’s Foreign Policy Progress in Sri Lanka is a Strategic Setback for China

By Mark S. Cogan
Since an economic crisis hit the country last year, New Delhi has reminded Colombo who its real friends are.
1 Year Later, Sri Lanka’s Struggle Continues 

1 Year Later, Sri Lanka’s Struggle Continues 

By Tasnim Nazeer
On the first anniversary of the people’s uprising, the spirit of dissent among Sri Lankan citizens remains strong. 

China’s Sinopec to Enter Retail Fuel Market in Crisis-hit Sri Lanka

China’s Sinopec to Enter Retail Fuel Market in Crisis-hit Sri Lanka

By Bharatha Mallawarachi
The 25-year contract with the petroleum giant is expected to ease the fuel shortage in the country.
What’s in the IMF’s New Extended Fund Facility Arrangement for Sri Lanka? 

What’s in the IMF’s New Extended Fund Facility Arrangement for Sri Lanka? 

By Michael Iveson
The IMF’s $2.9 billion EFF program lays out major structural reforms required to restore long-term macroeconomic stability in Sri Lanka. 

IMF to Assess Sri Lankan Governance as Part of $3 Billion Bailout

IMF to Assess Sri Lankan Governance as Part of $3 Billion Bailout

By Krishan Francis
The country has the dubious distinction of being the first Asian country to face scrutiny for corruption as part of a bailout program.

In Sri Lanka, Opposition Parties Allege a Secret CIA Visit

In Sri Lanka, Opposition Parties Allege a Secret CIA Visit

By Uditha Devapriya
Sri Lanka hosted two high-level delegations from the U.S. in February – including one that opposition parties say was cover for a secret mission by the head of the CIA.

Sri Lanka Leader Says IMF Deal Imminent After China’s Pledge

Sri Lanka Leader Says IMF Deal Imminent After China’s Pledge

By Krishan Francis
With Beijing extending debt restructuring assurances, the last obstacle in the way of Sri Lanka securing the bailout deal has been removed.
China Expresses Support for Sri Lanka Ahead of Debt Meeting

China Expresses Support for Sri Lanka Ahead of Debt Meeting

By Joe McDonald and Bharatha Mallawarachi
Beijing is resisting cuts to Sri Lanka's debts for fear other borrowers will want similar relief.

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