
Asia Defense

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The UK Factor in India-Argentina Defense Relations

The UK Factor in India-Argentina Defense Relations

By Rahul Wankhede
Given the Falklands dispute, India will face an uphill battle in selling high-end defense tech – like the LCA Tejas – to Argentina.
India’s Military Turns Toward Integrated Theater Commands: A Rising Challenge for Pakistan

India’s Military Turns Toward Integrated Theater Commands: A Rising Challenge for Pakistan

By Usman Haider
India is finally ready to implement joint commands. That will have huge implications for Pakistan’s national security.

Pegase 2023: The French Air Force Flies Across the Indo-Pacific

Pegase 2023: The French Air Force Flies Across the Indo-Pacific

By Paco Milhiet
The Pegase 2023 mission demonstrated a French air force's capacity for long-range intervention and power projection.

China and UAE to Conduct First Joint Fighter Jet Drill in August

China and UAE to Conduct First Joint Fighter Jet Drill in August

By Takahashi Kosuke
The move can be seen not only as another attempt by Beijing to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Middle East, but also as a countermeasure against Tokyo.

India’s Growing Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

India’s Growing Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

By Araudra Singh
New Delhi sees the ASEAN nations as amenable strategic partners, and potential customers for its nascent defense industry.
Modi’s France Visit Strengthens Defense Cooperation 

Modi’s France Visit Strengthens Defense Cooperation 

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi has ambitious plans to bolster its armed forces with French procurements, but it is unclear how close these deals are to happening.

Multinational Talisman Sabre Exercises Underway

Multinational Talisman Sabre Exercises Underway

By Grant Wyeth
This year's iteration of the exercise burnishes Canberra’s credentials as a creative middle power with significant cooperative reach across the Indo-Pacific.
China Is Helping Modernize the Pakistan Navy. What Does That Mean for India?

China Is Helping Modernize the Pakistan Navy. What Does That Mean for India?

By Gaurav Sen
A new dynamic in the India-Pakistan arms race is unfolding – with help from Beijing. 

Japan, France to Conduct First Joint Fighter Jet Drill

Japan, France to Conduct First Joint Fighter Jet Drill

By Takahashi Kosuke
The drill continues a trend of Japan's expanding security links with European powers, while France looks to the Indo-Pacific.

Is South Korea Ready to be a Global Pivotal Arms Exporter?

Is South Korea Ready to be a Global Pivotal Arms Exporter?

By Chris H. Park
As South Korea ramps up arms exports, it will increasingly need to grapple with the geopolitical ramifications.

Southeast Asian States Need to Reassess the Region’s Security Guardrails

Southeast Asian States Need to Reassess the Region’s Security Guardrails

By Emirza Adi Syailendra
The flexible and inclusive security mechanisms of the post-Cold War era are beginning to decay. What might replace them?
How North Korea’s Fighter Fleet Re-emerged From Obscurity

How North Korea’s Fighter Fleet Re-emerged From Obscurity

By A.B. Abrams
Pyongyang’s threats to respond to alleged airspace violations evoke the history of air battles with the United States.

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