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A Fourth Karakalpak Released From Detention in Kazakhstan

A Fourth Karakalpak Released From Detention in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
While the releases in Kazakhstan have been welcomed by the Karakalpak community, it’s clear that a sense of unease remains. 
An Economist vs. Uzbekistan’s Silk Industry: Whose Facts Matter?

An Economist vs. Uzbekistan’s Silk Industry: Whose Facts Matter?

By Umida Niyazova
A coming court verdict on the admissibility of independently verified information could have lasting negative implications for labor rights reporting in Uzbekistan.

Gulnara Karimova Accused of Running Criminal Organization in New Swiss Indictment

Gulnara Karimova Accused of Running Criminal Organization in New Swiss Indictment

By Catherine Putz
Karimova’s organization, dubbed “The Office,” ran a hierarchical professional operation – with a criminal twist, according to Swiss federal prosecutors. 

Measuring the Power and Legitimacy of Uzbekistan’s Islamic Leaders

Measuring the Power and Legitimacy of Uzbekistan’s Islamic Leaders

By Niginakhon Saida
The popularity of religious figures in Uzbekistan is tied to their legitimacy, itself derived from their formal positions within government-affiliated religious institutions.

Evolving Narratives in German Foreign Policy Toward Central Asia

Evolving Narratives in German Foreign Policy Toward Central Asia

By Rustam Kayumov
Germany’s key role is in helping Central Asia reduce its reliance on Russian and Chinese investments and, more significantly, trade.
How the Russia-Ukraine War Is Reshaping EU-Uzbekistan Relations

How the Russia-Ukraine War Is Reshaping EU-Uzbekistan Relations

By Shakhzodbek Makhmudov
The ongoing conflict is diminishing Moscow’s influence in Uzbekistan, opening a window for EU engagement.

What Do Central Asia’s Activists Think of the New US Relationship With Their Region?

What Do Central Asia’s Activists Think of the New US Relationship With Their Region?

By Matthew Schaaf
Washington’s current approach sidesteps human rights concerns. Central Asia’s rights defenders and civic activists have suggestions to fix that.
This Week in Asia: September 22, 2023

This Week in Asia: September 22, 2023

The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.

Uzbekistan May Be America’s Key to Combating the Islamic State

Uzbekistan May Be America’s Key to Combating the Islamic State

By Adam Rousselle
Tashkent offers Washington a window through which to engage with the Taliban indirectly in their ongoing fight against the rising influence of the ISKP in the region.

What Happened at the First-Ever Central Asia-US Leaders’ Summit?

What Happened at the First-Ever Central Asia-US Leaders’ Summit?

By Colleen Wood
Biden met with Central Asian presidents on the sidelines of UNGA to discuss security, economic cooperation, and critical minerals. 

Central Asian Regionalism After the 5th Leaders’ Meeting

Central Asian Regionalism After the 5th Leaders’ Meeting

By Filippo Costa Buranelli
Parsing what the consultative meeting in Dushanbe can tell us about the region’s present considerations and future indications.
How the EU Can Contribute to the Green Transition in Central Asia

How the EU Can Contribute to the Green Transition in Central Asia

By Alouddin Komilov
By focusing its efforts on a few key sectors, the EU can strengthen Central Asia’s resilience, prosperity, and regional cooperation.

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