China economic slowdown

Contradicting Past Policies, China Bets on Its Private Sector to Boost Its Economy
By Chauncey Jung
After years of attempts to increase the role of state-owned enterprises in the Chinese economy, Xi now hopes entrepreneurs will bail him out.

Xi Jinping Holds Economic Symposium With Corporate Giants
By Rahul Pandey
China’s leader attempted to downplay the country’s economic issues while seeking to boost private sector confidence.

Listening to China’s Economic Whisperers
By Qiqin Sun and Lizzi C. Lee
The voices shaping economic strategy extend beyond the Communist Party’s inner circle to include a select “brain trust” of prominent economists.

China’s Third Plenum Offers Little Hope for a Flagging Economy
By Donald Low
The Third Plenum outcome suggests a mismatch between what the Chinese economy needs to recover quickly and what policymakers are prepared to deliver.

China’s Economy Slowed Last Quarter as Weak Consumer Demand Dragged on Growth
By Elaine Kurtenbach
The second quarter’s 4.7 percent growth was far below the 5.3 percent pace seen in the first quarter of 2024.

Busting 6 ‘Peak China’ Myths
By Wang Wen
A more nuanced look at China's economic indicators is necessary to understand current trends.

China Looks to Revive Slowing Economy and Salvage Property Market as Annual Congress Convenes
By Dake Kang and Elaine Kurtenbach
Now is Beijing’s chance to keep short-term economic issues from turning into a long-term slowdown, experts say. But it’s not clear what steps the government is willing to take.

The Tale of 2 Economies: Navigating the Growth Paradox in China
By Marina Yue Zhang
China’s impressive topline growth figures mask underlying disparities and societal unease.

China’s Chronic Zero COVID Trauma
By Donald Low
More than a year after China scrapped its zero-COVID policy, it has become clear that most analysts underestimated the adverse impacts on business and consumer sentiment.

Is China Open for Business Again?
By Lea Thome
China’s signals that its economy is open for business and tourism are increasingly urgent, but will they be effective?

China’s Heavy Economic Legacy of State Ownership and Central Planning
By Itzhak Goldberg
Waning productivity and declining growth in China cannot be explained by the pandemic or even demographic shifts. It is also the consequence of an unfinished reform agenda.

China’s Economic Malaise Was Perfectly Predictable
By Donald Low
The China bulls were wrong – but the China declinists may be wrong as well.
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