Gülen movement

Abducted From Kyrgyzstan, Educator Orhan Inandi Paraded in Turkey as a ‘Terrorist’
By Catherine Putz
Turkish President Erdogan, who previously denied knowing anything about Inandi, announced his "capture" by Turkish intelligence.

Founder of Kyrgyzstan’s Gulen-linked Schools Missing, Kidnapping Suspected
By Catherine Putz
Where is Orhan Inandi?

Turkey Seeks Extradition of 2 Gulen School Employees From Kyrgyzstan
By Catherine Putz
Two employees of the re-named Sapat school network are reportedly in detention. A Bishkek court has stalled their extradition.

The Fate of Turkmenistan’s Gülenists
By Nick Ashdown
What’s become of the students arrested by Turkmen authorities in 2016-17 at the height of the Gülen crackdown?

Turkey’s Gülen Crackdown Comes to Cambodia
By Danielle Keeton-Olsen
One of Cambodia’s top international school systems has quietly changed hands amid the Gülen controversy.

In Kyrgyzstan, Erdogan Again Warns of Gulen Network Coup
By Catherine Putz
Since 2016, Turkey has pressed for Kyrgyzstan to close Gulen-linked schools. So far, Bishkek continues to resist.

Turkish President Erdogan Urges Kyrgyzstan to Join Fight Against Gulen
By Catherine Putz
Kyrgyz President Jeenbekov did not respond directly to Erdogan's urging to deal with Gulen-linked institutions.

Afghanistan Plays Turkey's Game, Arrests Teachers Reportedly Linked to Gulen
By Catherine Putz
Kabul seems willing to pay the price to play with Ankara, that price being a few Turkish teachers.

An Uzbek President Touches Down in Turkey for the First Time in 18 Years
By Catherine Putz
As Mirziyoyev heads to Ankara, conditions are ripe for a rapprochement in bilateral ties.

Turkmenistan's Gülenist Crackdown
By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat needs to maintain amenable relations with Ankara.

Political Scandals Bring Pakistan and Turkey's Leaders Together
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Nawaz Sharif and Recep Erdogan: Two paranoid leaders who need each other.

Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Reject Turkish Calls to Close Gülen Schools
By Catherine Putz
Bishkek usually takes coup threats seriously, but Gülen-linked educational institutions are well-liked.
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