India-US Relations

Trudeau’s Accusation Against India Is Ominous for India-US Ties
By Mohamed Zeeshan
India is a partner against China, but the rationale for countering China is precisely that Beijing engages in the sort of activities which the Canadian PM has accused India of undertaking.

Biden and Modi Look to Tighten US-India Ties as Concerns Over China Rise
By Aamer Madhani and Josh Boak
The two leaders are poles apart ideologically, but are drawn together by China's military and economic maneuverings in the Indo-Pacific.

Why India is Successful in Bilateral Diplomacy, Not in Multilateral Forums
By Muqtedar Khan
At the bilateral level, its friends are happy to sell it arms but it is yet unable to make its interests the world’s interests in global forums.

If India Has a Natural Ally, It’s Probably France
By Mohamed Zeeshan
As a middle power with a presence in the Indian Ocean, France has the right mix of strengths and weaknesses to be India's priority defense partner.

A Weak Putin Is India’s Worst Nightmare
By Mohamed Zeeshan
It would force Indian dependence on the United States for diplomatic and military support, which New Delhi would like to avoid.

America’s India Problem
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Predictions of the demise of Indian democracy by American media and activists are exaggerated and reflect a narrow understanding of India’s history and complexity.

Modi Tests Bipartisan Support in Washington for India-US Ties
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The end of shared values and a shift to a more transactional relationship have several implications for both countries.

Biden is Feting the Indian PM Despite His Dismal Human Rights Record
By Aamer Madhani and Krutika Pathi
The U.S. President sees ties with India as vital to tackling challenges emanating from climate change, disruptions related to AI, and a rising China.

India and the US are Grappling with Uncomfortable Truths
By Mohamed Zeeshan
When Modi goes to Washington, the two sides are likely to sweep their problems under the carpet.

How the US Is Pushing India Away
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
A policy that does not respect that India does not need lessons in how to run its domestic affairs could push New Delhi to close ranks with other countries against the U.S.

US-India Strategic and Commercial Convergence
By Raymond E. Vickery, Jr.
The two sides are looking to make the American and Indian semiconductor industries complementary rather than competitive.

Why China Wants to Knock India off Its Russia-US High-Wire Act
By Neena Gopal
Russia and China are moving toward an alliance. Does India have the means to beat China at its own game with a counter-encirclement?