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Russia Will Ship S-300 Missile Systems to Iran Within Days

Russia Will Ship S-300 Missile Systems to Iran Within Days

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Russian diplomat expects the first S-300 delivery to take place in the coming days.
Is Russia's Deadliest Tank Already in Serial Production?

Is Russia's Deadliest Tank Already in Serial Production?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The head of Rostec recently alleged that the T-14 'Armata' has entered serial production.

Has Putin Just Killed the Iran-Russia Air Defense Missile Deal?

Has Putin Just Killed the Iran-Russia Air Defense Missile Deal?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Vladimir Putin has frozen the transfer of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Iran, a Kuwait-based newspaper claims.

Russia Remains India’s Largest Arms Supplier (For Now)

Russia Remains India’s Largest Arms Supplier (For Now)

By Franz-Stefan Gady
This week, India’s Defense Ministry released details of where it spent its money over the last couple of years.

Back From the Dead: India and Russia Revive Talks Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

Back From the Dead: India and Russia Revive Talks Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

By Franz-Stefan Gady
New Delhi and Moscow have restarted cost negotiations over the Sukhol/HAL Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft.
Will 3D Printing Speedup Production of Russia’s ‘Deadliest Tank’?

Will 3D Printing Speedup Production of Russia’s ‘Deadliest Tank’?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s defense industry has used 3D printing to produce prototype parts for the T-14 Armata tank, a manager reveals.

India and Russia Fail to Resolve Dispute Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

India and Russia Fail to Resolve Dispute Over Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Is the Indo-Russian fifth generation fighter jet program on the verge of collapse?
Russia to Upgrade 12 Nuclear-Powered Subs

Russia to Upgrade 12 Nuclear-Powered Subs

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow wants to expand the boats' service life by another 20 years.

Russia’s First 5th Generation Fighter Jet to Enter Service in 2017

Russia’s First 5th Generation Fighter Jet to Enter Service in 2017

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The induction date for Moscow’s newest fighter aircraft has been pushed back.

Bangladesh to Purchase 7 Combat-Transport Helicopters from Russia

Bangladesh to Purchase 7 Combat-Transport Helicopters from Russia

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow will provide a $1 billion loan to Dhaka for the purchase of Russian military hardware.

Have Russia and China Signed a Cyber Nonaggression Pact?

Have Russia and China Signed a Cyber Nonaggression Pact?

By Elaine Korzak
Moscow and Beijing are advancing a vision of security in cyberspace that is markedly different from Western approaches.
It's Official: Russia’s 'Deadliest Tank' Will Be Ready for Battle in 2020

It's Official: Russia’s 'Deadliest Tank' Will Be Ready for Battle in 2020

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Manufacturing tests of Russia’s newest T-14 Armata tank will be completed by 2016.

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