

Germany to Deport Another Tajik Group 24 Activist 

Germany to Deport Another Tajik Group 24 Activist 

By Catherine Putz
Over the last decade, Tajikistan has pursued Group 24 activists around the world.
Russia Brands Exiled Tajik Opposition Party a ‘Terrorist’ Organization

Russia Brands Exiled Tajik Opposition Party a ‘Terrorist’ Organization

By Catherine Putz
The designation by Russia of the IRPT as an extremist organization may put Tajik citizens in Russia further at risk.

Tajik Authorities Continue Harassing Dissident’s Family

Tajik Authorities Continue Harassing Dissident’s Family

By Catherine Putz
New year, same problem: Tajik authorities continue to harass the family of Fatkhuddin Saidmukhidinov, a Europe-based government critic.

The Fall of Tajikistan’s Opposition

The Fall of Tajikistan’s Opposition

By Edward Lemon
President Emomali Rahmon has consolidated power by leading a merciless campaign against any opposition.

Can US Legislation Halt INTERPOL Abuse by Central Asian Autocrats?

Can US Legislation Halt INTERPOL Abuse by Central Asian Autocrats?

By Ian J. Lynch
Bipartisan legislation introduced this week seeks to tackle abuse of INTERPOL by autocracies.
Tajikistan Under Review: A Familiar Litany of Human Rights Concerns

Tajikistan Under Review: A Familiar Litany of Human Rights Concerns

By Catherine Putz
Comparing Tajikistan’s last two reviews by the Human Rights Committee, it’s clear Dushnabe isn’t interested in improvement.

Tajikistan's Human Rights Record up for Review

Tajikistan's Human Rights Record up for Review

By Catherine Putz
Since its last review at the UN Human Rights Committee, Tajikistan has pursued a significant crackdown on political rights.
Tajikistan Tilts Back Toward Iran

Tajikistan Tilts Back Toward Iran

By Catherine Putz
With a new agreement on an old tunnel, and Tehran on the hunt for friends, the tide is pulling Iran and Tajikistan back together for now.

Tajikistan’s Prison Riot: More Than Meets the Eye

Tajikistan’s Prison Riot: More Than Meets the Eye

By Catherine Putz
The details remain fuzzy, but the conclusion is clear: Something is very wrong.

Why Tajik Authorities Are Denying the Reality of the Islamic State Attack

Why Tajik Authorities Are Denying the Reality of the Islamic State Attack

By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe has essentially called the video reportedly showing the attackers pledging allegiance to the Islamic State a false flag.

Tajikistan’s Child Hostages

Tajikistan’s Child Hostages

By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
How a 4-year-old child became a hostage in Tajikistan’s battles against the exiled opposition.
Central Asia Update: Islamic State in Tajikistan and the Trial of Sayragul Sauytbay in Kazakhstan

Central Asia Update: Islamic State in Tajikistan and the Trial of Sayragul Sauytbay in Kazakhstan

By Ankit Panda
Catherine Putz joins the podcast to discuss recent developments in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

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